Opis produktu
- Full HD LCD panel 23,8” 1920×1080 pixel with LED back-lighting.
- Supports 4K-HDMI and 3G-SDI
- 10-bit processing Video Processing
- Special ZERO Latency Mode for critical Audio/Video applications
- Webserver IP remote control
- Safety area selection: 80%, 85%, 90%, 93%, 95%
- Scale marker: 4:3, 13:9, 14:9, 15:9, 1.85:1, 2.35:1
- 3DLUT auto colour calibration
- Built-in De-log LUTs
- User 3DLUT upload
- Selectable gamma preset 1.8, 2.2, 2.4 and 2.6.
- 16-ch audio level meters with alert and output selection
- Built-in waveform monitor, with Line-Selector (for HDSDI sources)
- Built-in vector scope and histogram monitor (for HDSDI sources)
- H/V delay, freeze frame display mode
- Frame/Field view selection
- Native scan, over scan and normal scan selection
- R/G/B/Mono, False color, Zebra stripes display
- Focus assist display mode
- USB Firmware update options
- V-mount battery plate for field application
- GPI control via RS485 port connection
- 3 User setting data storage
- 6 User definable function keys
- On-screen TALLY display (Soft-and Hardware Tally)
- TSL UMD and User editable video title
- SDI Timecode (LTC, VITC1&2) display
- AFD (Active Format Description) info display